Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I Can See Clearly Now


I went for an I exam yesterday (Monday March 27th, 2023) at Lenscrafters.

The optometrist told me, my prescription has not changed much. I could get glasses as I would need trifocals now for reading on the computer. I currently have my old pair of glass I can see clearly on my computer and my current glass which I use for watching TV and reading which are trifocals.

She told me that as I am farsighted usually farsighted can see clearly until about 40 then they need reading glasses and eyesight deteriorates from there. She also told me I have cataracts which are yellowing of the cornea. She said we will watch that for now I do not need to do anything. Later she said I may need to have my cataracts removed and a new lense inserted to correct my farsighted ness and nearsightedness. I asked if Medicare pays for this surgery? They pay for the surgery to implant the farsighted lens but not the nearsightedness that is considered elective surgery. So I can pay for the additional cost or have the surgery to correct the nearsightedness too or have the surgery medicare pays for and buy glasses for reading.

I asked the sales person for glasses which will fit in my budget with Medicare. She pointed me to Armani, Polo and Ray Ban glass frames which start at 179.00 not including the lenses and additional charges like scratch resistant or trifocals. My wife says if you don't have insurance the point you to lower cost frames so that if you have insurance you wind up paying the same as the person without insurance. The sales person started  helping someone else while I was looking at frames. I left the store. I told her I was going to look online for glasses. I decided not to buy glasses this year as my prescription has not really changed.

I went to Kroger and bought a BBQ chicken. We had that for supper with an organic spinach salad. 

I will cut the leftover chicken up to make chicken curry tonight. Jen said she likes the leftover chicken curry better than the chicken dinners. I like BBQ chickens as it makes for two nights meals and I can also get a chicken sandwich for lunch on the 2nd day. I boiled potatoes and carrots for the curry and cut up some collard greens for the vegetable. I am trying to make more leafy green vegetables as Jen told me it helps prevent dementia. 

Rillington Place

      I watched  Rillington Place on Kanopy with Tim Roth. I'd never heard of the serial killer, John Christie before. I googled his nam...